The Yellow Candle project provides a unique opportunity, to introduce Holocaust Education within the space of the home.
The candle is accompanied by a small card with the name of a person who perished during the Holocaust; lit in their memory the candle allows you to commemorate Yom HaShoah within the safe space of the home. Adults and children will – many for the first time - be able to engage in an invaluable educational opportunity.
​Categorised by school age, the resources included on this page provide a broad spectrum of educational opportunities for young people in Key Stages 1-5, as well as their parents and teachers. There is also a page with activities and resources appropriate for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). With the Holocaust being possibly the largest area of research and education in modern Jewish history, Maccabi GB has endeavoured to collate and signpost a range of resources from the key providers of Holocaust education in the United Kingdom and internationally.
​Maccabi GB is hoping that this database of educational resources will continue to grow in years to come; any contribution from individuals or organisations is welcome and if you wish to contact us please email yellowcandle@maccabigb.org